Código fuente de 'Gradiente de color en texto.asp'


<title>Gradiente de color en texto - Códigos asp, programacion asp, descargas asp, rutinas asp</title>
<p align="center"><b><font size="3">Gradiente de color en texto</font></b>
<body style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9pt"></p>
    ' By: Tim Fischer
    ' Returns:String with font tags for Fading.
    ' http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=6308&lngWId=4
<% function fadeText(strToFade, R1, G1, B1, R2,G2, B2)
    Dim htmlTxtxt, X
    if strToFade = "" Then Exit function
    R2 = ((R2 - R1) / Len(strToFade))
    G2 = ((G2 - G1) / Len(strToFade))
    B2 = ((B2 - B1) / Len(strToFade))
    For X = 0 To Len(strToFade) - 1
    R = Abs(Int(R1 + (R2 * X)))
    G = Abs(Int(G1 + (G2 * X)))
    B = Abs(Int(B1 + (B2 * X)))
    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<FONT color="
    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & Chr(34) & "#"
    if R < 17 Then htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "0"
    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & Hex(R)
    if G < 17 Then htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "0"
    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & Hex(G)
    if B < 17 Then htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "0"
    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & Hex(B)
    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & Chr(34)
    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & ">"
    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & Mid(strToFade, X + 1, 1)
    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</FONT>"
    fadeText = htmlTxt
    End function

    <%= fadeText("Este es un ejemplo de gradiente de colores en un texto", 240,44,0,0,200,50) %>
<% strFading = "Además se pueden colorear variables también--> "%>
<%= fadeText(strFading, 240,44,0,0,200,50) %>
<%= fadeText("1 2 3", 240,44,0,0,200,50)%>
